Because of you, someone will have a home

The Expansion of Eden Village is the Spread of Compassionate Love.

The Eden Village model not only radically changes the lives of individuals, but also the Springfield, MO economy. Homeless persons typically cost between $30,000-$40,000 per individual per year due to frequent usage of public services. Eden Villages to-date have shown a significant decrease in that city expense by getting the chronic homeless off the street and into a supportive community and removing the dependence on city services. Not to mention enriching the lives of the community members that serve these individuals. Thank you for being a part in making Springfield, MO a city where no one sleeps outside.

Ways to give

Springfield, MO


Help keep our homeless friends off the streets and into a home.

Donate Online

Give right now from any location on any device. Use your credit/debit card to make a one-time or recurring donation.

Send Donation By Mail

PO Box 2364
Springfield, MO 65801

Make checks Payable to Eden Village of Springfield

Sponsor A Home

A home sponsorship at an Eden Village is a great way to leave a lasting legacy or honor a loved one, making a permanent difference in someone’s life.

Revive 66 CaMPGROUND

Provide a night off the streets, laundry facilities and a refreshing shower. This simple act of dignity allows our unsheltered friends to feel human again and better prepares them to start the next day.

The Gathering Tree, Inc is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We welcome gifts of any size. If you’re interested in a naming opportunity as outlined above, please include that information with your donation contact information.